The Center for STEMM Mentorship has published a letter in Issues in Science and Technology highlighting the need for institutional support for and innovation in mentorship training and practice in academia. Read the letter here.
In the letter, we argue that the current informal, ad-hoc, do-it-yourself approach to mentorship training does a major disservice to academic researchers in STEMM, and that a significant need exists for institutional support that prioritizes, incentivizes, and rewards excellence in mentorship—with a focus on teams as a potential innovative path forward toward achieving a healthier mentorship climate.
Authored by the Center’s co-associate directors, Crista L. Farrell and Dr. Maria T. Dulay, as well as faculty director, Prof. Joseph M. DeSimone, the letter comes in response to the article, “Academic Mentorship Needs a More Scientific Approach,” published in Issues in Science and Technology in Summer 2022 by Beronda L. Montgomery, Fátima Sancheznieto, and Maria Lund Dahlberg.
Issues in Science and Technology is a quarterly journal published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and Arizona State University. The journal provides a forum for discussion of public policy related to science and technology.
“Innovation in Mentorship.” CL Farrell, MT Dulay, JM DeSimone. Issues in Science and Technology 39, no. 1 (Fall 2022).